Axes and Hatchets

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

Here you will find a discussion and comparison of an axe and hatchets. This resource will take you through the selection process, complete with images for better understanding.

The details..

"Axes and Hatchets" by OldJimbo is an informative guide that provides readers with essential information on how to select the right axe or hatchet for their needs. The author shares his expertise in this area through detailed descriptions of different types of axes, including full-sized ones used for chopping wood, shorter camp axes ideal for backpacking trips, and limbing axes designed specifically for removing branches from fallen trees.

The book also covers important factors to consider when choosing an axe or hatchet such as handle grain orientation which should be vertical rather than horizontal. It explains why good shape head with correct temper matters while purchasing one. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of matching handle length with head weight based on intended use.

Furthermore, "Axes and Hatchets" offers practical advice on how to maintain these tools properly so they remain sharp over time. This includes tips like sighting along the blade edge to ensure it lines up correctly with the centre knob at the end of its handle.

Overall," Axes And Hatchets" is a must-read resource for anyone who enjoys outdoor activities that require cutting wood. Whether you're planning a weekend camping trip or need an axe/hatchet toolset around your home garden shed; this book will provide valuable insights into what makes each type unique.

Resource Info

Page count: 10
Size: 337kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Defensive Skills
Finances Available